Remani Papillons
The Latest News -- 2017
January 19, 2017 - (Rose City Classic, Portland, OR) Rudy and Linda Ruedy earned their second leg of his Beginner Novice Title with a second place score of 198. So proud of Team Rudy Ruedy!
January 19 & 22, 2017 - (Rose City Classic, Portland, OR) Finn was Winners Dog both days and Best of Winners on the 22nd. This added 2 more points towards his championship.
February 5th, 2017 - (Doberman Agility Trial, Portland, OR) Scooter and Judy finished his 3rd MACH, making him MACH3 C-atch Pipap's Makin the Bedrock at Remani MXS, MJC, OF T2B2, PD, ADP, PTM Yay Team Scooter, I am so proud of you!
February 25, 2017 - (Covered Bridge Cluster, Albany, OR) Bette attended her first show, competing in the Beginner Puppy Competition. She took a Toy Group 2. We had a fun time!
February 24-27, 2017 - (Covered Bridge Cluster, Albany, OR) Finn was Winners Dog all 4 days and BOW on the 24th and 27th. This added 2 more points towards his championship.
April 1st, 2017 - (Chintimini KC, Albany, OR) Rudy earns the 3rd leg of his Beginner Novice title with his mom Linda. They scored a 198 and a second place while earning his BN title. He is now Remani's Gold Rush BN CGC. Yay Rudy and Linda!!
April 1st, 2017 - (Chintimini KC, Albany, OR) Finn was Winners Dog and Best of Winners for another point. We are very close to finishing his Championship title.
April 22nd-23rd, 2017 - (UKC Trial, Salem, OR) Team Rudy competed in UKC Open class completing two legs. Saturday they scored a 192 and Sunday a 194 1/2 and High in Trial. So very proud of this team!
April 25th & 26th, 2017 - (Houston Area Papillon Society & Alamo Papillon Society Specialties, Houston, TX ) Under breeder judges Carol Lees and Angela Picket, Finn won his class both days and took Reserve Winners Dog under Carol Lees.
April 25th & 26th, 2017 - (Houston Area Papillon Society & Alamo Papillon Society Specialties, Houston, TX ) Under breeder judges Carol Lees and Angela Picket, Amber took 4th place in the 9-12 puppy class. So proud of how well she showed, we had a lot of fun!
April 28th, 2017 - (Papillon Club of America National Specialty, Houston, TX) Finn took 4th place in the Open Dog class under Judge Edd Bivin. Such an honor to receive a ribbon at the national.
May 11th>13th, 2017 - (Klamath Falls Kennel Club, Klamath Falls, OR) Amber was Winners Bitch 3 of the 4 days earning her first 3 points.
May 11th>13th, 2017 - (Klamath Falls Kennel Club, Klamath Falls, OR) Finn earned the final two points to complete his Championship. He is now CH Adaugeo The Force Awakens at Remani. I am so thrilled with this beautiful dog and grateful that Danae has shared him with us.
May 28th, 2017 - (CAC Hrusica, Slovenia) Brit earned his first CAC towards his Slovenian Championship. Brit is Slo, Cro JCH Spinillons Rule Britannia (UK) Croation Junior Winner 16. Brit was bred by Jo Davidson-Poston in the UK and is co-owned by Ika Ivani and lives with her in Slovenia. I am very proud of Ika and Brit and wanted to share their accomplishments. Brit is a Charm son sired by Jo's Colt. I look forward to sharing more of them in the future.
June 17th, 2017 - (EDOC Obedience Trial, Eugene, OR) Team Rudy competed in Open B. They scored a 192, first place and High Toy Dog in Trial! Such a great job Linda does with this handsome boy!
August 18th, 2017 - (Papillon Club of Puget Sound Specialty, Enumclaw, WA) Hazel and Joy made their debut in the show ring at the biggest show in the NW. In a class with nice competition they placed a very respectable 2nd. I am so proud of Hazel's hard work with Joy! They are a great team and I look forward to watching them show in person soon!
September 2017 - (CPE Trial, Turner, OR) Team Rudy competed in their first agility trial. They earned 3 qualifying scores and 3 first places. They had a great time, I look forward to watching them compete.
September 16th, 2017 - (UKC Multi Breed Show, St. Helens, OR) Finn finished his UKC Championship and was Reserve Best in Show. A pretty exciting day.
October 18th, 2017 - (Linn County Kennel Club, Albany, OR) Ivan earned his CGCA title. He's such a fun dog and always up to trying something new.
October 31st, 2017 - (Linn County Kennel Club, Albany, OR) Ivan earned his TKN (Novice Trick Dog) title. We started doing a trick class for something new and fun. It's a lot of fun, and we are currently working on our Intermediate tricks.
October 28th, 2017 - (Papillon Club of Columbia River Specialty) Finn was Select dog his first time in the ring as a special. He earned a major and a defeat towards his Grand Championship. I'm so pleased with this boy.
October 28th, 2017 - (Papillon Club of Columbia River Specialty) Skye showed for her first time as a special. She was Best Veteran and Select Bitch over 3 beautiful special girls.
October 29th, 2017 - (Papillon Club of Columbia River Specialty) Skye was Best Veteran and Best Veteran in Sweeps. She so loved being back in the ring . She's pictured here with all of her ribbons from the weekend. We had a great time together.
December 2nd and 3rd, 2017 - (WTDF and GCCKC Obedience Trial) Rudy earned two more legs in Novice B and is now Remani's Gold Rush CD BN CGC. I am so very proud of this boy and love watching Team Rudy working together in the ring.
December 2nd, 2017 - (WTDF and GCCKC Obedience Trial) Ivan earned two more legs in Preferred Novice completing his title, adding PCD to his list of suffixes. WTG Ho Ho!
December 8th, 2017 - (WTDF Specialty) Finn was Select Dog for another 2 points and a defeat towards his Grand Championship.
December 19th, 2017 - (Linn County Kennel Club, Albany, OR) Ivan earned his TKI (Intermediate Trick Dog) title. He had to perform 10 tricks 2x in a row to earn this title. He balanced a treat on his nose, set of 6 weave polls, teeter totter, carried his pumpkin basket 15 feet, went to his crate when told from 10 feet away, manipulated a dog puzzle for a treat, played his keyboard, played the shell game, worked on the wobble board for 10 seconds, and performed a sit, down and stand in a row on hand signals only.